My YouTube Channel: Jessica Hensley

My YouTube Channel: Jessica Hensley
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Friday, October 22, 2021

Surrendering to the Shore: An Opening to the Joy Filled Path

Surrendering tp the Shore: An Opening to the Joy Filled Path, is a Blog Post by Jessica Berck Hensley from Undone Spirit 333 outlining her time at the shore. There's a new journal tool she came up with, read on until the end to receive yours! 

Hi Crystal Friends,  

On October 17, 2021, I went to the beach after going to the coffee shop. People do this in Florida everyday, well except during extreme weather. Actually, scratch that. Anyway, it sounds like its not a big deal. However, after a year and three-quarters of staying home most of the day, Going outside is a welcome relief.

Below are some questions that I use to break up this chronicle. Follow along with a pen and paper in hand. If you’re into Witchcraft and/or the Law of Attraction there’s a surprise free gift at the end of this reading as an introductory offer to a product I am selling perhaps in the next week. It’s yours if you decide to read all the way to the end! And the best part is it’s yours for life to use over and over again! How does that sound? If you like this offer, then read on.

Surrendering to the Shore: An Opening to the Joy Filled Path  

Here I go!


Are you ready to go outside and enjoy life?

Pumpkin Loaf and an Iced Latte from a local coffee shop near me. It's a familiar brand.


I’m ready to go outside into town to parks, beaches, and cafes. I decided to go to the coffee shop and read a spiritual book on my phone. People were kind to the baristas and each other. It was nice to see that.

Do you like to think in possibility? Or do you like to think in potential?

Sometimes I like to write at the coffee shop. I didn't that day, but felt like this sums up how I feel about possibilities.


I prefer to think in possibility. I feel possibilities are tangible and I can take action to make them real. Potential has no basis in real life. It is only based in reality like a scripted show with no end.

If you are spiritual, how do you manifest your desires?

Tarot Card and Oracle Card Mutual Compassion Spell. It's the inspiration for the new journal tool I developed.


I’m a Witch so I ground myself by studying spirituality and recording my life experience daily. I also use oracle and tarot cards plus Magick Practice to set my manifestation intent.

What do you need to do to meet what you set out to create?

I did the spell the night before I went to the shore. It felt so good for my feet to meet the water. It felt etherial to walk on the wet sand and to meet the water half way and wash over my feet. I feel Law of Attraction is similar.


I feel I need to experience love, joy, and peace. I need to meet anything I create with those three principles in mind.

How do you place yourself in the best position to manifest your desire?

Heading for home from Ocean Ridge Park. Ran out my time in the car eating a soft pretzal and drinking a red sports drink.

I allow myself to feel and sink into what comes up out of my soul. I let it out through talking with Spirit. I am at home when I do this.

Have you thought about your answers to these questions? Would you like something to help you see all your answers at a glance on your device for easy reference?

Look no further. I’ve got phone wallpapers made by me from art I made with sections for answers to each of these questions for you to look at a glance to help you on your path to manifesting your desires. Just click on the pictures of the phone wallpapers below, download to your phone, then resize in an editor app if needed. After that add your text in the five areas mapped out on the wallpaper.

Think of keywords from your answers to title each box. Break the answers down until they are just a few phrases. Plug those in the areas for text and you have a manifesting wallpaper! The best part is you get to keep this forever and use it as often as you’d like.

You can even download and keep the samples I made, with my own font I created, that have the answers to the questions listed. My original answers were based on thinking of the 5 Elements of Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Ether so I wrote those in the boxes. I am a Witch, so I consider the 5 elements my Guide to living my life.

Then I had shorter answers with these keywords in mind. Please be aware that the wallpapers I’ve designed do have my watermark of my Copyright with my name and my web address on them so I can protect my idea. It is at the bottom of the wallpaper so as not to take up the precious amount of space for you to use to manifest your desires.

I will be selling Unmarked wallpapers in the shop perhaps as soon as next week so if you’d rather have an unmarked manifesting wallpaper, then you can purchase them once they are in the shop.

I hope this post helps you surrender to what moves you. What helps you surrender to the divine and manifest? Is it the ocean meeting your feet, like me? If not, then what? There are no wrong answers. It’s all up to you my crystal friends.

Take Care and Blessed Be.




  1. I wish I could enjoy the beach as you did, but I just don't care for it. But, I really like your wallpaper. I have to do a vision board and I think this might be helpful. Thank you for your insights.


New Introductory offer

New Introductory offer
Read this blog post!

I now accept tips for my production of content

Hello everyone, including crystal friends : ), I now have a link for you to send tips if you find my content helps you. I call it sending a 'Resonation Donation'. I feel like it sums up how I feel the energy exchange is from me to you and from you to me when it comes to any transactions between us. I put this here because I'm now doing Tarot Readings again on YouTube. My podcasts are more of a public service. My Tarot Readings are also free, however I see them as entertainment, as if I making a show. People who create shows often get paid somehow. My link has my old account name, sketchwriterjess. This is my paypal me account. I have to figure out how to change it but until then, this works. I still am sketchwriterjess on the inside being read aloud here on Undone Spirit 333. : ). Thanks for listening. Take Care, Jess