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Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mind Your Peace And Quiet: A Qabalah Tarot Reading

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There is a shorrt video for this reading:

Mind Your Peace And Quiet: A Qabalah Tarot Reading


Tonight Spirit Want me to pull on the Pathwork mindfulness. Spirit also wants me to pull a card for the Pathwork and share the bottom of the deck energy.


There I no artwork tonight, only a channeled message.


The points on the tree of life being pulled on are, 7 Victory, 8 Splendor, and the Pathwork 27 Mindfulness. They also want me to pull on the Pathwork 25 Alchemy which crosses mindfulness. I don’t need to pull the point for it though.


Deck Used is Healing Light Tarot. On the left is the Ace of Wands, In the Center is the Queen of Swords. On the bottom below the center is VII Chariot. On the right is the Ace of Cups. Bottom of the Deck Energy is the 10 of Swords.


Love can transmute nasty energy. The pain will end for your soon. Keep to your boundaries. Charge ahead with love when someone treats you with respect. If someone is nasty to you. Be kind to them anyway. There are nice ways to tell people to leave you alone. I originally channeled something like F Off, but decided since I was making a video I better keep it clean.

There is someone who is interested in dating you, Don’t allow nasty people to get in the way of you dating someone you are interested in. You can tell the person to back off. Don’t wish harm on them. The divine will take care of them if they’ve caused you harm.


There’s a short video with this on You Tube at the top.

There’s a little more in there in addition to what I wrote here. If you like this style of reading please let me know.

Donations aren’t required but are greatly appreciated, you can make a resonation donation through my paypal link on the side bar of my website.

Thanks for reading and viewing. Take Care.

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I now accept tips for my production of content

Hello everyone, including crystal friends : ), I now have a link for you to send tips if you find my content helps you. I call it sending a 'Resonation Donation'. I feel like it sums up how I feel the energy exchange is from me to you and from you to me when it comes to any transactions between us. I put this here because I'm now doing Tarot Readings again on YouTube. My podcasts are more of a public service. My Tarot Readings are also free, however I see them as entertainment, as if I making a show. People who create shows often get paid somehow. My link has my old account name, sketchwriterjess. This is my paypal me account. I have to figure out how to change it but until then, this works. I still am sketchwriterjess on the inside being read aloud here on Undone Spirit 333. : ). Thanks for listening. Take Care, Jess